I was drawing a blank last night...a complete and utter blank.
Enjoy holding...
What could I possibly enjoy holding? I suggested to Beans that we should try to summon the neighbourhood cat, George, who sometimes comes and meows at our back door (funny story, the first time he meowed, I went to go let him in and Beans said "Wait! What if he attacks?" lol...it's only funny if you picture this super fluffy, friendly looking ginger cat vs. the 6'10" man. Anyway, George and Beans are now best friends, and we look forward to his visits), but yeah...I was told that it wouldn't make a very good picture because I'd probably be sneezing and rubbing my eyes instead of looking cute.
I suggested that I take a photo of myself holding a big can of beans lol...get it? But my joke wasn't well received.
So here I am, one day late, deciding to post about how I enjoy holding off until the next morning because I couldn't seem to find the perfect thing to hold.
{Side note: this happened with {enjoy eating} remember?
I wasn't really eating much that day, so it was kindof a cop out post...
well, at the end of that post I said I'd make tomorrow's extra relevant.
I will try my best to make that happen again}
I wasn't really eating much that day, so it was kindof a cop out post...
well, at the end of that post I said I'd make tomorrow's extra relevant.
I will try my best to make that happen again}
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