write for your safety net people

When I think of my "core" as a person…I can easily boil everything 
that's bouncing around in my head down to this simple sentence:

I want to live a rich life. 

Not in terms of the money I have in my bank account, 
or the kind of car I drive. Instead, I want to live a life that's rich 
in friendships, family, and the good stuff that makes me happy. 

I want to spend my time and energy crafting a home that feels 
inviting and make sure I'm filling up the people 
around me with lots of love. 

I've been toying with writing a blog post about this very concept for quite awhile, and always stop myself short thinking of how I might get a comment on Facebook about how I've turned into some weird hippy spirit-loving weirdo and I should spend more time focusing on photography instead of this "nonsense."

This is what floats around in my head when I think of certain posts I'd love to write. 

But how crazy is that? Because really, the people who read my blog are my friends…they're clients who have shared their wedding day with me and still love checking in to see how I'm doing. The people who read my blog are the people who enjoy reading it, so why am I trying to write for those who might bring me down?

In a moment of reflection the other day, I wrote this:

caring about those who may not want to read this.
Write (and work) for the people who will love it. 

Write (and work) for those safety net people.

When I think about the doors that have been opened for me in this life, I see these amazing people who I swear must have been put there to be my support system (or my safety net). My safety net people are the ones who believe I can do absolutely anything I want to, and they're there in my life so that I can take leaps toward the things I want without being afraid. 

I have the most wonderful people in my life who say these things to me all the time. Kim. Sarah. Brittany. Loraleah. Chris. My mom. My husband. 

These are the people I should picture reading my posts as I write them, so that I can be brave and say what I feel, and take the next step in my business, and be unafraid of silly little things like Facebook comments. 

I get quite a few emails from people who have just started businesses and are toying with the idea of starting a blog, but struggling with wondering what to write. Well, in my own experience, once you know who you're writing for, the rest is easy. 

P.S. this photo is an oldie but a goodie, taken by the beautiful Jessica Brown
It has been included in this post because I wish this nervous/scared me from 2011 could have read it. 


  1. As always... I LOVE reading your posts! You are an inspirational Lady!

  2. What a great attitude to have! I find as you grow older you realize what and who is most important in life and concentrate of those things and those people. What your followers like about it is your openess, so keep it coming :) Also, if I can make a "request" - would love an update on your 100 things in 1001...

  3. Laura, I am so SO proud of you. And I NEVER would have thought that 2011 Laura was nervous or scared. I was so inspired after those last few days at WPPI. I learned so much from you, and you were already such an amazing business woman. I still feel like I could learn from you. :) I'm so happy for where you are in your business, your blogging, and your life. <3


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