seeing myself in mona lisa smile

I'm currently in a state that can only be described as a cross between bliss and peace. I'm bundled up on the couch with something to drink, something to munch on, and a FABULOUS movie that I've seen oh so many times.

I have everything that I need, minus a fireplace (some day...!).

Tonight's flick: Mona Lisa Smile. When it first came out, I hated it. I thought it was really boring and I had absolutely no interest in people studying art, talking about art, or even art itself. But nine years later, I have a new appreciation for it (despite Kirsten Dunst's horrendous fake accent).

If you haven't seen the movie, I've handpicked a quote that sums up the entire thing for you:

Katherine: Pre-law? Well... have you decided which law school you're going to?
Joan: Well, I haven't really thought much about it. After Wellesley, I plan on getting married.
Katherine: And then what?
Joan: And then... I'll be married.

That was me...preparing to be married and then...simply being married. Same goes for having kids. Don't get me wrong, I'll still hand-to-heart say that my most important job will be being a wife and a mother, but when I look at my life and my future, it's dusted with all kinds of fabulous things, like running a business, meeting some amazing people, seeing so much, and learning every inch of the way. 

But a part of me still kinda thinks I was meant to spend my 20s in the 1950s...

All I need is some curlers and a bit of red lipstick...

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