Hello friends! I hope you're enjoying hump day!
In case you're bored at work (been there...) and need a few things to fall in love with, here's another installment of loving lately ♥

By now hopefully you've come to realize that I make no apologies for the things I like, including Twilight, High School Musical, and every single Kardashian.
Justin Beiber's movie is now getting added to that list, because I watched it for the first time this week and I loved. every. second. New appreciation for our good Canadian Beiber.

A couple weeks ago, I started collecting prints and posters that I really connected with, using the most wonderful tool known to man....Pinterest.
It's my new favourite tool for finding inspiration and quotes that I love :)
This week's fave:
"It's the scary choices that end up being the most worthwhile" -- Melissa Joy Kong

If you told me I would ENJOY Chelsea Handler going on vacation, I wouldn't believe you. But Miss Chelsea left her show in the perfectly manicured hands of Ross Mathews, comedian extraordinaire.
I now want to watch the Ross Mathews Show...whenever they ever get around to making one!
And, as always, here's a tune I'm loving lately...
An oldie...but a fan-freakin-TASTIC-goodie ♥
omg Aqua! its been so long, i used to love them!