Another installment of loving lately...just in case your Wednesday morning is dragging on slower than you'd like!

She is my twin from another country. She happens to have this amazing company called Paper Taxi, which she started at almost exactly the same time as I started LKP, and her work just amazes me. So much so that I asked her to design my wedding invites and she seriously ROCKED IT OUT.

It's just that I'm actually SO excited for this movie, and I make no apologies for it whatsoever! Unfortunately I haven't read the book because life has been a little bit crazy...!
And please don't judge me when I say that I'll be having a Twilight marathon tonight in order to prepare for the movie coming out on the 18th...

I have been working on re-designing my site for the last few weeks and I'm super happy with the way it looks so far :) If there's one thing I know,'s that I'll constantly be making tweaks here and there!
And as always,
here's a tune I'm loving lately!
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