You may remember this post from the end of October, filled with photos of our house in Stittsville as it officially went on the market. And maybe you and I are friends and you've been hearing all about my inspection-related headaches. Maybe you've even poured the wine while I taped up and labelled another cardboard box and complained about the uphill battle of finding full time preschool for 2 kids with 1 month notice...
But if you haven't heard much about our big move to the Glebe since that very first post, here's a little house update that will get you all caught up.
First of all, we sold the house! We had the offer 3 days after it went on the market, right after our first and only open house. So grateful for The REPS who made that process as smooth as possible! Once that offer came in, we could officially start falling in love with a beautiful home on Second Avenue:
We happily signed those papers and patiently waited for our expedited closing date. Crazy to think we're getting those keys this FRIDAY -- only 2 months after we decided to start this great adventure. I'll look a little different than the photo above with a fresh blanket of snow in the driveway, but we know it'll be the perfect home for a minimalist Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, this side by side comparison of my completely bare living room next to the cozy, warm, and festive one from last year is blowing my mind... Never thought I could live in a house without a Christmas tree until the 20th! Who am I?!
At least someone is enjoying the bare white walls for her fashion photoshoots...
On another festive note, my goal was to have Christmas shopping covered by selling things on Kijiji. Not because we needed to, but because minimalism is SO fun and we need to get rid of about half the things we own in preparation for this move anyway! It's actually somewhat comical how the new house is like a mini version of the old one. Gold star if you can guess which one costs almost double...
I managed to sell WAYYY more stuff than I thought I would, ending up with almost $2,500 after all was said and done! That'll pay for Christmas a few times over I think :) Every Kijiji deal adds up, but here are a couple highlights:
$30 for an Apple Magic Trackpad that we NEVER used, but have had
in the desk drawer for over 7 years!
$150 for a Mont Blanc pen that I gave to Ry for his graduation.
Fancy pens are not minimalist. Get it outta here!
$0 for a TV Stand that went to one of our friends' parents.
$110 for Baby Gates that my kiddos have obviously long outgrown.
$10 for a giant piece of luggage we'll never use.
As far as I know we're not planning to spend 6 months in Europe any time soon.
$20 for a pack of Size 2 Diapers that accidentally
got shoved to the back of Jilly's closet.
My personal Kijiji strategy is all about that 1 day sale. Price it low, sell it quick, and place the item on the porch with an envelope that they can leave for me when they pick it up. It's like having a decluttering Tooth Fairy who leaves $10 bills under the welcome mat. Sure I don't get top dollar for absolutely everything I sell, but the potential for wheeling and dealing is more stress and burden than I'm willing to take on.
We are almost at the finish line and ready to tackle a fresh house and make it a home. It's certainly a before & after situation folks, so stay tuned to see how we are going to update this hundred-something year old place!
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