We're told to take in big breaths, hold, and exhale as long as we can to get rid of the stress that we hold in our bodies. We've all heard about the benefits of laying out clothes the night before as a way to set ourselves up for success in the morning.
We know that mindset is everything.
And today I'm challenging you to shift your mindset about the way you approach social media.
So often I hear my fellow small business owners say that "posting on Instagram/Facebook takes too much time," or that they simply "have nothing to say." Well, friends, there's a problem with that way of thinking. Just for a minute, replace Instagram/Facebook with email. There's not an entrepreneur out there who can get away with saying:
Email just takes way too much time, and I have nothing to say!
WHY? Because we all consider email to be part of the job.
It's a necessity! It's how we conduct business, how we share information with our clients, and it's the thing that differentiates our hobbies from a real business.
Near the end of 2016 I shifted my thinking. I stopped considering social media a superfluous part of my business as a wedding photographer; a "bonus" if you will. I forced myself to put it on the same plane as email, bookkeeping, taxes, and editing. By including it in that list of things that I HAVE to do, even if it might not be the easiest part of my day or the quickest, I was able to use social media as a tool to GROW my business.
The same way we all love the idea of burning calories well after our workout is over, posting strategically on Facebook and Instagram was a way that my business could be thriving long after my work day had ended.
When it comes to the WORK, mindset is everything. So today, as you're nearing the end of your workday and tying up all of the loose ends, take 15 minutes to post something encouraging, helpful, or strategic for your business. Keep burning those calories, or in this case growing your business, well into the evening.
The Instagram for Small Business Workshop is currently sold out,
however you can sign up for the mailing list here to ensure you're
first to know when new dates are announced.
This post features styling by Toast Events, florals by Floralia, decor by Makin'It Lovely, and live painting by LaFabère.
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