Some exciting news for a Tuesday morning! I have been nominated for an Ottawa Wedding Award in the category of best photographer! It's an honour, especially given some of the other talented photographers on the list.
I really did not expect the outpouring of love that happened on social media after announcing my nomination yesterday. I thought maybe a few of my past clients would shoot me a vote, sure, but I didn't expect to hear from two of my English teachers from high school, countless bridesmaids and groomsmen from weddings over the years, teachers from our kids' school, my boss when I worked at an engraving kiosk in the mall, or folks I shared a spin class with.
(photo by Brittany Lee, makeup by Elska Beauty)
I think people like to watch other people grow and succeed. It gives you a sense of community when you feel like you have helped someone achieve their goals. It's the only way I can rationalize how kind and generous with their votes my friends and followers have been, and why it was so much fun to find my favourite vendors from every other category and cast my vote.
I am so thankful for every single gesture of support. It really does mean more than you know <3 There are still a few days to vote so please hit up this survey and find your favourite photographer on the list <3 If that's me, well hey friend! I think you're pretty cool too.
P.S. one post made me do a spit take in a Starbucks. So thanks, Krissy, because life needs more spit takes.
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