#15: read twenty-four books
This is one of those goals that seem impossible when you're making it…
Twenty-four books? Before making my list of 101 in 1001, I had probably read twenty-four books in my entire LIFE (and I used to be an English major in University…figure that one out…).
I was pretty nervous, so I started right away, with Jasmine Star's 150-page magazine that reads like a book. Exposed was so interesting that I blew right through it, and quickly started reading the first "real" book on my list. Thank goodness for the crazy amount of travelling I did in 2013, because I found out that I'm pretty good at reading on airplanes and beach chairs.
The 50 Shades collection was such an easy read (I say this after reading some pretty challenging books later in the year), and this marks the time when I discovered that reading in the bath just might be the best. thing. ever. Crossing off three more books from my list gave me the momentum I needed to keep going.
These next four books are certainly the most random… but I was trying my hardest to find the kind of content that would keep me enthralled in my reading challenge, which meant a lot of funny books (and one skinny little read that almost every creative business owner should read at some point).
Now this is where it gets good…this is where I joined my fabulous book club!
I accepted Julia's invitation to the April meeting with a LOT of trepidation. Could I possibly read a book every month? And let's face it…these girls weren't going to be reading fluffy books like White Girl Problems!
The first book club book was Prisoner of Tehran, and good lord was that a TEST of my patience and commitment to the new club. It still stands as my least favourite read of the year, but hey…I finished it! And the next few book club picks were much more my style, and really helped turn me into a reader.
These next four books are special to me because I read them while I was away in Maine for Laura & Lee's wedding, and in Mexico for Louisa & Corey's wedding.
It's kinda cool how you start to associate a book with where you read it… Our Daily Bread (one of my favourite reads on this whole list) makes me think of foggy mornings in a rocking chair, while Me Before You sends me right back to that beach-side bed in the sunshine, drinking champagne with my husband.
And finally… four of the most challenging books of the whole list. I am so grateful for my book club for opening me up to books that are longer than 400 pages. They once seemed so daunting, but I've learned that when a book is great, the pages turn themselves.
I read Annabel by Kathleen Winter (460 pages!) in only six days and loved every single second of it. I'm quite excited to discuss this one at our next meeting on March 2nd, which happens to be at my place!
VERY excited to be crossing this off my list today -- this one took a lot of work!
And now I'm looking forward to the next 24 books…
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