gillman family | fall session in barrhaven

What's better than a ginger family and a sunshiny day in late-fall?

Absolutely nothing. 

I'm obsessed with these images from the Gillman family's session last week, complete with matching accessories, little baby giggles, and lots of love. Enjoy! 

How adorable is little baby Keeping?

I found out on Facebook that she took her first steps alone only a day or two after our session!! 

Ethan and Brittany are lovely together. And I had to get a few photos of their tattoo tributes to their daughter...

And of course, I needed a few solo shots of the lovely Brittany, who happens to be a photographer also! 

Call it pregnancy hormones, but I'm so touched by this photo of just the girls. A perfect place to end my post :)

Thank you for a great afternoon, Gillmans!

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