sarah walsh bridal | staff and studio shoot

This sweet, kind hearted girl came into my life at a time when I was low on friends. I was getting adjusted to my new life as a full time photographer, feeling alienated without my daily water cooler gossip sessions. It's funny to think about how different our lives were then... It was before my babies, it was before Sarah's studio. She operated a wildly successful bridal accessories business out of her home, but dreamed of more. Our lives have changed and our friendship has grown. 

She's honestly one of my favourite people in the entire world. And just this week we FINALLY arranged some time for a little staff photoshoot and a studio tour. It's my pleasure to show you around Sarah Walsh Bridal today <3 

This is where all the magic happens. A sunny second floor studio in the Glebe, complete with exposed brick, and a balcony overlooking Fourth Avenue.

By appointment, Sarah meets with brides and shows them her amazing collection of freshwater pearls, gemstones, and crystals. My favourite thing to hear: "Guess which one of your brides was in the studio today!"  

The team: Carly, Sarah, and Zoe. I am so thankful for these girls, because they allow Sarah to spend more of her time designing new pieces.

I never thought I'd see a 50 inch canvas of one of my photos before! Hellooooo Brittany <3 This is still one of our favourite shoots together.

After the shoot, we grabbed dinner in our usual spot, and toasted two glasses of watermelon sangria. To us, friends and small business owners. To finding joy in every venture. To living our best lives. 


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