this time of year...

I love this time of year... The way the light gets a little softer, the way the sunsets can make you feel warm again. I love this space between the heart of fall and the beginning of winter. 

And it also marks crazy-busy-booking-season, which is simply the best. It's a different kind of busy than the wedding season -- less shooting and editing, more emails. It's the time when I get introduced to the amazing couples that I'll be working with the next year. 

When my clients ask when they should do their engagement session, I always tell them not to shy away from November. I tell them not to be scared of the fallen leaves, the muddy roads, the morning frost... Instead, get cozied up in a thick knit sweater and a pair of boots, and take a walk through the forest with the one you love.

So excited to share a few shots from my walk in Bridlewood with Brittany and Zach; two of the sweetest friends anyone could ask for.

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