This blog has been terribly devoid of personal updates over the past year, but many of you will know that I post pretty actively over on our family blog instead. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about having two blogs, but in retrospect I am so glad that the personal and the business side are being kept separate.
I like knowing that I don't have to have a "standard" of photo quality for photos I post on our family blog. They can be dark, black and white, crappy iPhone photos and not worry that my clients think I took that with my real camera. I like knowing that a prospective client who comes to my business blog for the first time doesn't have to weed though a ton of pics of our growing Coop to find some beautiful couples doing couple-y things.
Sometimes, though, a personal post is just what this blog needs. And today is one of those days because...
We have a little announcement!!
This family of three is becoming a family of four in August! We could not be more excited that Coop is going to be a big brother :) We're going to have two babies under one and a half and that's going to be a fun and exciting and tiring journey, no doubt.
But we're totally up for it.
Since the day I found out, back in early December, I've been writing about my pregnancy on the family blog and keeping the posts in draft until we formally announced the pregnancy. Well, my friends, we made that announcement yesterday and you can now read the first post in our pregnancy story, chapter two :)
P.S. I've been getting so many messages from photographers from all over, asking questions like "how did you tell your clients you were pregnant!" and "how pregnant will you be when shooting your last wedding?" There's not a ton of info like this floating around on the internet, so I am putting together a little FAQ to answer some of these questions.
Stay tuned!
That's wonderful news! Congratulations!!