Thursday, February 28, 2013

HELLO rebranding!

You might have noticed that the blog looks a little different today...

Well, it all started a few weeks ago, when I shared this on instagram:

But what's funny is that at the time, I hadn't even started the rebranding process. Instead, I just saw a couple really nice design-inspired pins on Pinterest, took a screenshot, and announced: I'm Rebranding. 

Maybe I meant it as more of a joke than an actual declaration, who knows...

But that night, I sat down at my computer in my PJs and opened up Pinterest. I made a board called "reBRAND" and started collecting things that inspired me, either in colour, font, design style...whatever. 

The next morning, I stared at my website in Showit and thought: 


I've been working tirelessly since that day to completely re-do my entire website, incorporating a couple new themes (who doesn't love fancy script writing & gold glitter?!). My goal was to have everything finished by the time Beans got back from working in Alberta for 3 weeks, but I'm thrilled to say that I'm finished a teensy bit early!

If you have a moment, take a look at the new site this morning and tell me what you think :)

Out with the old, in with the new!!

Here's a side by side comparison of my old contact page, vs. the new and improved one :)

ANDDD...with a new website, comes a new blog design!!

I'm so excited about these changes, and I'm happy that I met the deadline I set for myself... :) 

Here's to another off-season accomplishment!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

melissa | bio portraits

Melissa and I have been trying desperately to get together for a coffee and a chit chat for months. But our crazy schedules kept getting in the way until we put our foot down one day and just booked something. 

We decided to bring our cameras out with us, and turn our hangout into an opportunity to get some new bio shots for our websites. 

The best part is that we have very different styles, but a similar aesthetic, so we found ways to turn an old farmer's yard into the perfect backdrop for each of us. 

Here are some of my faves that I took of Melissa...'re just too much for me.

For some reason this is one of my absolute faves from the session... I just love her hair!!!

Oh, and I can't finish this post without mentioning our new friends:

I'll be posting some of the shots Melissa took of me soon!! So excited to show you just how different our photos can be even though we're using the same location :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

post-oscars marathon (& year one is complete!)

engagement photographer | wedding photographer | portrait photographer

In honour of the Academy Awards last night, I'm posting one-third of a completed item on my list of 101 in 1001

#10 watch all of the oscar nominations for best picture

Here's year one of three, all finished!

THE ARTIST {20/04/2012}
I cried. I loved it. I get why it won Best Picture.

THE DESCENDANTS {03/01/2013}
Not a fan. No other words. 

I watched this movie having absolutely NO idea what it was about or who was in it. It's just not my kind of film, but I didn't HATE the hours that I spent watching it. 

THE HELP {09/03/2012}
If we're being 100% serious, I watched this as part of a hangover cure, combined with ginger ale, an advil liqui-gel, and a three hour nap. Absolutely in love with this movie, and all the people in it. Emma Stone continues to be one of my favourite celebrities. 

HUGO {12/03/2012}
In the mood some something not so serious, and thought this would be a good fit! Plus...anything with Borat in it, I'll watch :) I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I can absolutely see why it was nominated; it was darn beautiful.

MIDNIGHT IN PARIS {28/02/2012}
Rachel and Owen to stick to plain old rom-coms. This was a tiddly bit long for my taste.

MONEYBALL {17/03/2012}
I am watched this movie with Ryan and our wonderful friend, Andrew. I enjoyed it VERY much, beginning to end. There were times when I thought I would cry, and times when I found myself biting the skin around my nails because I was so enthralled with this movie. Loved it. 

THE TREE OF LIFE {14/01/2012}
Shoot me. This movie was torture. Minus the George Clooney part.

WAR HORSE {19/06/2012}
I watched The Devil Wears Prada right after finishing this one, just so I could feel like myself again. 

Now, last night's Oscars were DEFINITELY my favourite ever...from Meryl Streep's appearance, to Jennifer Hudson's song that gave me goosebumps, and especially Seth MacFarlane's dig at Ben Affleck not being nominated for Best Director...

I loved every minute of it. 

And I thoroughly enjoyed live tweeting alongside the HILARIOUS people I follow...

I'm now ready to embark on a marathon of the movies that were nominated for this year!!

And now that I know Argo wins, 
I think I'm going to save it for last :)

Edit to add:
I just found this video, and I am now trying to figure out how I can make this girl my best friend...

Friday, February 22, 2013

anik + ryan | couple session

We have one of those friendships that was created in an instance.

I met Anik on my first day in the Dominican for Joelle & Mark's wedding, and we bonded quickly over our similar love for film and photography. I remember Joelle introducing me, and it couldn't have been more than 10 minutes before the group of us headed to get some lunch together. 

I spent almost every waking moment on this trip with them, and Anik and I continued to bond over things like our mutual sense of humour, our choice of vacation reading, and our significant others named Ryan. 

On the morning of a volleyball game with the entire wedding party, I used Anik as a model to test the settings on my camera...and with that one photo, I knew I needed to do a full session with her. 

Throughout those days we spent lined up on pool chairs, Anik told me a little bit about her dreams of picking up and moving out to the West Coast and pursuing a career in the film industry. She made it seem like it was years away...

But when we got together for coffee after the trip, she was so excited to tell me that her and Ryan were actually doing it!

My new friend is moving to Vancouver... :(

But I honestly couldn't be happier for them; they're doing what they should be doing! And hopefully never looking back!

That day, I told Anik we would need to get together for some photos before they go away, so that's what we did on Wednesday afternoon, out in the country, on a mild Winter day...

Are these not the CUTEST people you've ever seen?!

Anik & Ryan -- I will miss you guys!
But...I kinda have this feeling our paths will be crossing again :)

P.S. Anik, this is why we are friends, in case you didn't already know:

I hope you have a wonderful Friday, my lovely blog readers!
I'm checking out and heading down to Toronto
 for the weekend for Beans' swanky celebratory event :)

I'll probably take lots of pictures of us looking dapper,
so keep an eye out on instagram!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

marnie + adam | a wedding day at home

Marnie and Adam...where do I even start?! 

I love getting the opportunity to photograph something different, so when Marnie told me about her plans to exchange wedding rings with Adam in the quiet of their home, just the two of them, I couldn't say no :)

So here's the story...

Marnie and Adam are madly in love. The kind of love that is infectious and makes your heart melt. They look at each other like they only have 1 day left on the planet and want to make the most of it. 

When it came to their marriage, they wanted a wedding that was truly unique to them, and very, very personal. So instead of a big church wedding, they exchanged rings in bed one morning over coffee and waffles.

They had planned this entire day to be exactly what they wanted -- a stroll to the Byward Market to buy fresh scallops for dinner, a little quiet time on the couch together, and a photo shoot to remember the day (that's my part!).

They shared a bottle of wine and a big bowl of cherries...

LOVE this one... :)

Marnie has an absolutely AMAZING eye for detail and design, and she ordered this beautiful bouquet of flowers for the occasion...

Marnie and Adam each wrote out their vows and kept them in an envelope, to be opened later that night after dinner. 

I love that just like a typical wedding, the festivities were spread out over the entire day...

I quickly learned that these two share a love of dancing in their living room...have you ever heard of anything more adorable?

Congratulations, Marnie & Adam!!

I absolutely loved sharing in the joy of your wedding day!

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