Wednesday, October 7, 2020

allie + kyle | lifestyle maternity session in the country

This beautiful lifestyle maternity session is set on a private property just outside of Perth. I absolutely loved working with Allie & Kyle and I'm so excited for the next chapter for them!! 

Also, I'm obsesseddddd with this colour palette -- perfect for a fall session at sunset. Enjoy!

What a gorgeous Fall session!! My lifestyle photography season is starting to wind down, but make sure you're keeping up with my photography account on instagram to hear about new dates as they're released: @laurakellyweddings

Thursday, October 1, 2020

meghan johnston | branding and social media photography at yoga attic

My sweet and beautiful friend Meghan... where do I even begin?? 

Meghan is my walking buddy, my sounding board, at times she's my coach, my cheerleader, and she's also a branding and social media client of mine for a few years now. Documenting her business growth has been such a joy! 

Meghan is a wellness educator, podcast host, and yoga teacher here in Ottawa, and the other week we captured some new branding photos at one of our fave spots, Yoga Attic. Take a scroll through a few of my favourites!

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