Tuesday, September 29, 2020

kayla + henchey | cottage engagement session with canoe at sunset

I've never been so happy for the rain. 

Kayla, Henchey, and I had plans to shoot on a Wednesday evening, but the forecast made us rethink it. Instead of our city location, we opted for a Saturday night at the Dinardo family cottage. (Recognize the last name? Kayla is Brittany's sister!)

This shoot has everything. From the beautiful forest, to the cozy hammock and s'mores at the bonfire... it seems too perfect to be true. But it gets even better. Start your scroll now because you're about to fall in love with how we ended the shoot in a canoe at sunset. 

I can't handle this one. It's such an honour to capture this amazing couple, in their sweet, endearing, devoted nature. Never have two people seemed to fit together so effortlessly. 

I'm in engagement session heaven over here.

Ending this post with one of my favourite images from the day -- this the moment I made Henchey a believer. Later that night he said the shoot wasn't 1/4 as bad as he thought it would be. I told him I'd put that quote on my website.

A true dream. 

Feel free to make it happen again anytime, friends.  

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