Tuesday, October 4, 2016

price family | soybean field family session

You might think, "why is this wedding photographer blogging a family session?" Well, my friend, the reasons are threefold:

1. Sometimes I photograph families. Sometimes. 

2. This family shoot is too good not to share. Four girls in matching tulle skirts with angelic blonde hair? I'm basically dead. 

3. The beautiful mama you'll see in these photos is none other than Stacey Price, Ottawa's premier wedding planner, co-owner of The Design Co., and the hustle behind the Engage Ottawa luxury wedding show.

When we opted for a soybean field for the Price family's session, I should have known that Stacey would be wearing 4 inch Louboutins. My bad, Stace. Trooper that she is, she made her stilettos feel effortless. I'm so happy to share my favourite photos from this adorable family shoot today! 

Clara is FAMOUS for crying in photos. It's actually the best thing ever when you see Stacey post a pic of her girls. Noella and Lexie are practically modelling, while Clara screams and tries to run away. My goal was to for zero Clara tears :)

This beauty, Noella, is an amazing dancer. She told me she dances every single day and dreams of ending up in musical theatre! Love her <3

Ten years from now, when Lexie is a super famous model, we will be able to say we saw it coming.

And my Stacey. We bonded over having babies the same age (Clara and Cooper are 2 months apart) and enjoying rosé on Stacey's back deck. 

The most supportive dad in a family shoot award goes to Steve. A pink shirt and a trio of daughters who want to be up on his shoulders -- champ. 


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