Wednesday, December 24, 2014

robyn + matt | a surprise christmas proposal

Matt has been planning this proposal for months. He first contacted me in the Fall to ask about my availability over the holiday season, and once I found out he was planning to surprise Robyn with a diamond ring under the Christmas lights in Confederation Park, I told him I would make myself available WHENEVER. 

Robyn and Matt are so incredibly worldly and I loved hearing a little bit of their love story from Matt during our planning. She's from Ottawa, he's from New Zealand, they met in India, and currently reside in London, England. They were planning to fly "home" to Ottawa to spend Christmas with Robyn's family -- he knew it would be the perfect time to propose. 

It was a cloudy day with a minor freezing rain warning in the AM, but I knew the weather would cooperate for Matt's plans...

As they walked down the steps from the Rideau Centre and into Confederation Park, I could almost feel his nerves. They swung around the fountain, careful not to slip on the icy sidewalk, and I took photos of my decoy models (my husband, Ryan, and my girlfriend, Britt). Paparazzi style surprise proposals are NERVE WRACKING, you guys!

Just as planned, Matt got down on one knee, and I watched Robyn squeal through my camera. She clapped her hands together, pulled him up from his knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. It was an absolutely perfect moment. 

I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story...

I snuck in a few portraits after Matt revealed that I was taking photos. I love these...

My sincerest congratulations go out to you, Matt and Robyn! 
What an exciting time :) Thank you, Matt, for choosing me to be a part of it. 

It's a true honour. 

A note about the Christmas season:
First of all, it's upon us! Today is Christmas Eve and I wish you ALL a wonderful holiday. I hope you've left work for the day and you're spending the evening surrounded by people you love, great food, and tons of excitement for Christmas morning to arrive. 

I'll be out of the office and spending time with both sides of our families until just after Boxing Day, and then we're taking Coop to FLORIDA! Our first family vacation...we couldn't be more excited. I'll still be checking emails periodically before we leave, but I officially return to my desk on Tuesday, January 6th. 

Merry Christmas, everyone!!


  1. Matt & Robyn. What a wonderful engagement! And captured for posterity. Many congratulations!!
    Mel xxx

  2. Absolute congratulations!! Hurrah :) Three cheers from Ottawa...xoxo Nadia


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