Wednesday, January 2, 2013

back to work! (& a sneak peek!)

If you're like me, 
you struggle with never thinking you'll get enough of anything. 

You thirst senses tingle when you're up at the counter at Starbucks, and instead of your usual tall, you suddenly realize that coffee is the BEST THING EVER and you just know that you'll never get sick of drinking it, so you get a venti. 

You get into a shower and think there's no possible way you'll get sick of being all cozy under the scorching hot water. 

It's the same with the 15 minute time limit posted on every sign above a hot tub. You think that's the most ridiculous thing because when you get in, it feels so good that you think you can stay for at least an hour. 

You throw in the first Twilight movie and just KNOW that you can make it through all 5 movies in a row. (I just realized there will be some people who really hate Twilight and cringe at this thought, so...maybe picture it with the Land Before Time franchise instead, lol.)

But what happens next?

You get sick of drinking coffee. 
You get sick of being in a hot, steamy shower.
You get tired of Bella's whine after movie #3. 

So I'm going to add one more thing to this list: VACATIONS.

Just like everything else, vacations can kinda get old too. There's that sense of wanting to get back into your usual routine; wanting to feel like a good, productive person again. 

Wanting to get back to work.

And that's exactly what I've done...gotten back to work. Starting with an absolutely AMAZING wedding day with Amy & Isaac! It felt so good to pick up my camera again...and this morning as I sit in my office with a {reasonably sized} coffee by my side, I am happy to be back to work.


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