Monday, July 23, 2012

off to the kelly cabin!

I am packing my bags and skipping town with Beans and Weezy! 

We will be spending a couple days at the Kelly Cabin, and then I'm planning to have quite the exciting staycation on the other days. Lots of romcoms, lots of reading, lots of browsing the internet for FUN. 

I plan on getting a couple things done on my list of 101 in 1001

#76 Find myself with nothing to do
#91 Make Nana-K's coffee cake recipe again
#96 Watch the sunrise and the sunset in the same day

On a side note...who PLANS on finding themselves with nothing to do?


  1. Laura, Little Bee is awesome! You will love it!

  2. I plan on finding myself with nothing to do this weekend, I can't wait! Hope you have a great time!


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