Monday, April 30, 2012

30 days of april {enjoy wishing for}

These days are what I like to call...jam packed.

What can I say, I'm up to about 10-15 shoots a WEEK, my emails practically MULTIPLY whenever I answer them, and in my spare time, I play wife to a certain Beans, and mommy to an eleven-week old puppy.

That being said, somehow I am making time to watch Jasmine Star's seminar on shooting editorial weddings and getting them published, on CreativeLive. I have become completely enthralled with this course, and I'm reminded of what it feels like to learn, write, and think actively about the direction of my business.

All I'm wishing for right that WPPI 2013 will hurry up and get here :)

P.S...Beans thinks I have this bad habit of trying to speed up life, and in a way he's right, I mean I have so much going on this year and next, that I wouldn't want to skip a second of it. But c'mon...a girl is still allowed to wish for Vegas, right?


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