Wednesday, February 29, 2012

loving lately: jbiebz + prints + helloross

Hello friends! I hope you're enjoying hump day!

In case you're bored at work (been there...) and need a few things to fall in love with, here's another installment of loving lately ♥

1. Never Say Never.

By now hopefully you've come to realize that I make no apologies for the things I like, including Twilight, High School Musical, and every single Kardashian.

Justin Beiber's movie is now getting added to that list, because I watched it for the first time this week and I loved. every. second.
New appreciation for our good Canadian Beiber.   

 2. Searching "prints/posters"
A couple weeks ago, I started collecting prints and posters that I really connected with, using the most wonderful tool known to man....Pinterest.

It's my new favourite tool for finding inspiration and quotes that I love :)

This week's fave:

"It's the scary choices that end up being the most worthwhile" -- Melissa Joy Kong

3. Ross Mathews
If you told me I would ENJOY Chelsea Handler going on vacation, I wouldn't believe you. But Miss Chelsea left her show in the perfectly manicured hands of Ross Mathews, comedian extraordinaire.

I now want to watch the Ross Mathews Show...whenever they ever get around to making one!

And, as always, here's a tune I'm loving lately...


An oldie...but a fan-freakin-TASTIC-goodie ♥

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

cori + josh | aviation museum engagement


It's not a serial number. Not a VIN number. And nope, it's not the password to some super secret girls-only tree fort. (Boys...keep dreamin!)

It's Josh's personalized license plate!

My curiosity got the best of me and after I had taken a couple photos of him and his lovely fiancé, Cori, I asked him what it stood for. Ready for take off.

Now that I know, it seems way too obvious because you see, Josh is a pilot! Super, super cool :) Cori and Josh even decided to have their engagement session at the Aviation Museum:

Gorgeous, right?

Personal fave from the session:

The drive up Aviation Parkway was insanely beautiful, so we stopped on the way home for some photos in the woods :)

I adore you both ♥

#70 meet someone who loves taking photos as much as I do

#70: meet someone who loves taking photos as much as I do

Jessica wasn't one to lug her camera around with her to all of her classes. At one point, she admitted she hadn't taken a single photo so far of her trip to Las Vegas...and I'm pretty sure that was DAY THREE!

I was beginning to wonder if she really did LOVE taking photos like I did. But then something magical happened...we got cuted-up (it's the female version of suited up, obv) and went outside the MGM Signature for an amazing photo shoot :)

Jessica was totally in her element and it was so much fun to be behind the camera for her! We bounced around from stool to bench to floor to patio furniture, and had a blast while doing it ♥

Here are some of my faves from my side of the camera:

Jess turned her camera on me for awhile :)

Lol...this last photo is for Beans, because I make this face quite often...

After this sesh, there was no doubt in my mind that she loves taking photos as much as I do.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

i'm sick.

It's one of those colds where there is no sense in trying to pretend you're fine. is going to be a combination of:


ginger ale.

vick's vapo rub.

and a couple episodes of jerseylicious.

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