Thursday, January 26, 2012

what is the world coming to?

Honestly, what is the world coming to when we can condense 16GB down to the size of a screw?! (and a teeny tiny screw at that!)

It's just wrong (and fabulous). Like a hotdog.  

Over the next few hours I'll be going through folder after folder, collecting my absolute FAVOURITE wedding and engagement images, so that the lovey ladies & gents who are stopping by the Ottawa Wedding Show this weekend can peruse them on a 10" tablet at their leisure :)

Sounds like a trip down memory lane to meeeee!

P.S...I truly truly truly hope you're planning on coming by the show this weekend to visit me & get some super fabulous wedding ideas (who am I kidding, I'm sure you're going because you want to try out all of the cupcake samples), so if you see me around make sure to say HI!

Here are the deets!

Saturday January 28th - 11:00am-5:00pm
Sunday January 29th - 11:00am-5:00pm

CE Center
4899 Uplands Drive
Ottawa ON, K1V 2N6

Fashion shows are at 12:30pm and 3:30pm!
oh yeah...and ADMISSION IS FREE!

P.P.S...I just compared size using a screw...can you tell my house is looking very much like a workshop right now, as we prepare for the show?!

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