Monday, September 19, 2011

a weekend away

Just got home from the weekend away and it was, in a word: lovely.

The drive up on Friday went great. Guess I inherited the family gene for driving long distances!

I picked up the boys from their training in Toronto, and we drove to Barrie for our stay at The Rosil Resort, aka Chris & Andrew's parents' house. It was...gorrrrgeous.

I really need to take more photos of this place, next time I promise.

We watched a movie that I don't remember, because I was sleeping. The next morning we took a drive into Toronto and had a little subway adventure!

Classic c-ros action.

The uge...

Ryan and I walked down Bay Street with our heads pointed at the sky, nerdy tourist style.

We shopped at the Eaton Center, and headed back to Yorkdale to get the car. Destination Mississauga!

We were both so excited to see Ivy (and Scott & Rebecca too...!) She is getting so big, and she's sitting up all by herself which is super cute to see. We ordered Chinese, and watched Ivy chew on a piece of cucumber.

Rebecca poured the wine and we had a lovely evening. Ryan and I learned how to play Settlers of Catan (Rebecca won).

Look at this face!

It was a fabulous weekend :) And the best's only 3 weeks until our vacation to Florida for Thanksgiving. That means a whole WEEK with IVYYY (and the rest of the fam too)! My camera won't know what hit it.

1 comment :

  1. Love the Yorkdale shots. So funny to see such a familiar station, from a different pov.


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